Boof Head

Just point your camera at a person and see them with a huge head.

You can also choose between a big nose, eyes, mouth and different shaped heads. Just touch the type you are after. Click the reset button to set the boof head to default settings.
To install the app checkout Google Play.

To increase the persons boof head move the slider up and down.

To see options click on the config button a series of buttons will appear.

To save a screenshot to your gallery click on the snapshot icon. Click on the 'close' button to stop showing the screenshot.
Animated Gifs
You can record video as animated gif.
To begin recording an animated gif movie click on the record button.
To finish recording click on the stop button.
To play the last saved animated gif click play.
You can easily embed the animated Gif on your website by loading from your SDCard. For example: DCIM/Camera/Head20130811_134625.gif